星期日 , 2月 16 2025
首页 / 排行榜 / CKU百场BIS俱乐部—金蟾(海润犬舍)Club of Over-Hundred BIS — Jinchan from Hai Run Kennel

CKU百场BIS俱乐部—金蟾(海润犬舍)Club of Over-Hundred BIS — Jinchan from Hai Run Kennel

CKU百场BIS俱乐部—金蟾(海润犬舍)Club of Over-Hundred BIS — Jinchan from Hai Run Kennel

作为一个犬展从业者,发烧友,我们经常看到美国,欧洲,日韩的百场俱乐部成员介绍,作为一只赛犬,能够获得一百场OPEN BIS级别的赏励,是莫大的荣耀,CKU成立十周年以来,到今年昆明赛事为止,一共出现了5只百场BIS级别的犬只,犬界网最近将一一介绍这些犬只,这是我们国内的荣誉起点,我务必期待这个俱乐部越来越壮大。

As the practitioner  in dog industry and a fancier of dogs. We used to see Over-hundred clubs in America,  Europe , Japan and  South Korea introducing their members. It is a distinguished honor for a show dog to win one hundred OPEN BIS. And since the establishment of CKU, as of the show in KUNMING this year, ten years past. CKU also has five Over-Hundred dogs. Dog Show World will continue to  introduce these five dogs to all dog lovers. They are the start of Chinese dog glory and the club’s expectation is on them.


11. 犬名:金蟾 (截止到2017、08昆明CKU,获得132场OPEN BIS级别赏励)



Call name:Jin Chan (132 OPEN BIS awards, up to the end of CKU KUNMING Show 08/2017)

Breeder: Liu Zai Chun

Date of birth: April,20th, 2011



Honors: NO.1 of The 2013 CKU China All-Breed Ranking

NO.1 of The  2015 CKU China Golden Retriever Ranking

2. “金蟾”是由海润犬舍繁殖的,当前中国最顶级的赛级金毛寻回猎犬。曾在2013年CKU本部展涪陵宠物休闲文化博览会上,被拍卖出118万元天价,这引起了人们在各大网络平台上的热烈讨论。在赛场上,它气质独特、形态出众、王者风范、享誉犬坛。 它不仅是一只极其接近金毛标准的赛犬,还拥有着超强且稳定的遗传基因,在其后代‘恩佐’,“雷公”、“海灯”、“东方不败”、“终结者”、“金盾”等身上都有体现。那么它究竟有何成绩,能够成为中国最尊贵的金毛犬呢?

Jin Chan is bred by Hai Run Kennel, ranking the top of Level of competition Golden Retriever in China. In 2013, this dog was auctioned to 1180,000 RMB on the Fu Ling Pet Culture Expo, CKU Championship show,having caused a lot of discussion on the Internet.While in the ring, Jin Chan shows his unique temperament, outstanding outline with an air of a king. He enjoys a great reputation in dog show world.He not only almost reaches the breed standard, also he owns powerful and stable genes that fully reflect on his kids: ‘Enzo’,“lei Gong”, ‘Hai Deng’, ‘Dong Fang Bu Bai’, ‘Zhong JieZhe’, ‘Jin Dun’etc. So what is his excellence to make his the greatest Golden Retriever?


3. 金蟾的战史简介——Show Results Introduction


CKU CN CH: 2012-03-24. Wining BIG of hound group with the tittle of junior dog challenging and wining in the Golden Retriever group when he was not enough to one year old. Wining the tittle of “CN . CH.”


2012-04-07:Wining BIS1 as the junior dog, wining his first BIS and China Bronze Champion Certificate.

2012-12-08 :在CKU北方区全犬种冠军展上斩获两场BIS1,正式宣告属于“金蟾”的黄金时代来临!

2012-12-08: Wining two BIS1 in the CKU North China All-Breed Championship Dog Show, greeting his golden age.


2013-01-12: Being awarded the China Silver Champion Certificate

2013-03-09 :获得“中国金质登录冠军”资质

2013-03-09: Being awarded the China Golden Champion Certificate

2013-03-15 :获得“中国超级冠军登录”

2013-03-15: CKU CN. CH

2013-06-08: 获得“世界冠军登录”

2013-06-08: INT.CH

2015-01-08: 一战获得“菲律宾冠军登录”

2015-01-08: PHI.CH

2015-06-20: 一战获得“香港冠军登录”

2015-06-20: HK.CH


  1. 在菲律宾马尼拉参加FCI亚太犬展,与众审查员以及国际犬界巨头合影

With judges and people having great respect in world dog show on FCI Asia Pacific Dog Show in Manila, Philippines。


  1. 拿下两场全场总冠军  仅凭一战赛事完成香港冠军登录

Wining two BIS and wining HK.CN only after one show

年度头衔:Annual Tittles


In 2013,being the NO.1 of CKU China All-Breed Ranking, and participating Eukanuba World Challenge representing China.


In 2015, being the NO.1 of CKU China Golden Retriever Ranking, and getting the entry of 2016 Russia Dog Show at same time.


  1. 在指导手董平牵引下的完美动态

Perfect movement under the handling of Dong Ping.


  1. 以“13年中国全犬种排行一”的身份代表中国前往美国洛杉矶长滩参加世界优卡挑战赛

Participating Eukanuba World Challenge representing China with the tittle of NO.1 in 2013 CKU China All-Breed Ranking.





Since his career started, Jin Chan successively gains CN.CH; China Bronze,Silver,and Golden Champion; GCH.CH and INT.CH.






  1. 如今,“金蟾”正处于自己的生涯顶峰,今年将志在下半年到来的上海亚洲杯,全力争夺最高荣誉!

Now, Jin Chan is in his golden age. In next half year, he will show up in 2107 CKU ShangHai China ALL-Breed Championship Dog Show, trying his best to win the highest honor.








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