星期二 , 5月 14 2024
首页 / 专栏 / 建设专栏–我的犬展岁月(关于赏励照的那些事儿二)Columm of Jian She–Years in Dog Show(Something about Award Photos Two)

建设专栏–我的犬展岁月(关于赏励照的那些事儿二)Columm of Jian She–Years in Dog Show(Something about Award Photos Two)


Columm of Jian She–Years in Dog Show(Something about Award Photos Two)


Subjective factor, which includs technics of handler, well communication between handler and photographer, analysis of shooting angle, methods to guiding the dog into good situation, analysis of dog’s characteristics and the editing after shooting. Each of them should be considered.


Review of the previous Years in Dog Show, we hae talked about the spot parallel line of paws, the correspondence between dog and award table. So we are going to talk about the communication and the guiding things.



About the communication between handler and photographer


No matter how good the handler is, he does not know the impression of himsele in the camera lens. So the priority of conducting is giving to photographer. For instance, when I’m a pgotographer of a Award Photo, if the handler place the dog in right way and proper angle,  I will keep silent and move to next step. But when I tell the handler to remove the dog, to adjust the spot of front paws or hind paws, to trim the handler himself such as changing place, adjusting expression even retie his necktie, this is the time handler to co-operate with photographer while taking photos. After all, it’s our common wish to get a wonderful picture. Handlers in majority would like to accept suggestions from photographer cause they know this is better for final photo. Only a few of them won’t listen to me. Let them be themselves, I will not be exacting.


Please remember that advise of photographer is in terms of professional ethics but not obligation. Communication needs two ends.


As for guiding dogs(calling dog informal)



Position of head should be considered after the body and four limbs are done.


Here are some principles I personally recommend to you as reference only.


1.Close mouth as much as possible


Closed mouth can show the original muzzle formation, such as the flatness north line, the width of muzzle, the lower jaw and the skin on cheek. Most breeds should close their mouth at shooting except some open mouth breed(German Shepherd Dog、German Dobermann and Rottweiler). Some breed of toy group are allowed to stick out tongue for a little if the tempreture is too high.( Pomeranian、Shiba、Shih Tzu、and Maltese) But commonly it’s better to close the mouth.


Why do dogs don’t close their mouth ? Reasons as fellow:

热。 热是一个无解的问题,犬只必须通过舌头散热,但是我们可以通过一些小方法,让犬只在拍摄的那一两秒闭一下,就足够摄影师捕捉瞬间。

Heat. Heat is a problem without solution. Dogs need to cool themselves through tongue. But we can make them close mouth for like two second through some tricks. Two seconds is enough for photographer.


Nervous. Handlers can not place dog in right way, and they behave rush. These can make dogs feel more nervous.


Tricks: a. squirt some water into dog’s mouth; b. feed them with a bit flesh; c. put hand under dog’s mouth and lift up; d. through something as attractive point. You can mix up the four as well.


Can’t do: crowds of people yelling togather to attractive the dog. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business, likewise, too many help result in a mess. Too many people will let the dog feel upset then the effectof calling them won’t be good. But specialist is helpful. And I’m not going to tell you which handlers are the specialist of calling dog.


2.Position of ears


A qualified Award Photo should show the correct ear position and formation. When dogs are highly focused, their ears must be in the right place. Tricks to correct the ears position are the same above, to through something as attractive point while dog is tired or can not focus. There is a kind occasion that dog is weary of competion or photographing, and have no interest in life, autistic, no re-action of toys、food andattractive except estrus bitch. Pohotgraphers call them depressive dogs. They are hard to take photos with good ear position. The only solution is handler should transfer dog’s character during daily training.


3.Face direction



As illustrated, the direction of face should be in the line of body. Some breeds that need to highlight their face can counterclockwise turn face to the direction of the camera. If the face turned  face clockwise over the parallel, it’s the wrong behavior. We commonly say: ”it’s the back of head we saw.”



We can divide the right and wrong area of attractive according to the face direction. Yellow area is where attractive should be. And purple is wrong position. Photographers and handlers should both make sure attractive drop in the right area when through attractive thing.


4.Relationship between neck and chest


Take the picture as an example, the position of this Siberian Husky is perfect. It’s head is high enough, and the angle between neck and chest is correct, perfectly embodied the dog’s formation.


Next I will introduce the wrong occasion through PS.(Excuse to the owner)


Many handlers do not pay attention to the height of head. The wrong head position means the front push of cervical spine, then lead to the front move of forequarter to make up the going behind gravity center.(the proper height of head varies from breeds, there is no uniform answer)


In  summary, when placing the dog on aeard table, handlers should be careful of many details.

下一篇开始分析 不同犬种拍摄的具体区别。

We will talk about the exact difference of varies breed in next article.


Exhausted after typing and drawing…

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